Obsessed With: Stationery 

In this edition of the Fizzy Goblet blog, we let you in on a not-so-secret addiction of ours… stationery. 

That’s right. The thickness of watercolour paper, length of to-do lists and smell of new planners make our head race (and ideas flow) like nothing else. Since our ideal look is being surrounded by cute stationery, doodling or writing our next idea, we thought we'd share our list with you. 

Here’s a look at our favourite ever stationery brands. Tell us yours too?

Kikki K


Photo Source: Kikki K/ Facebook

A curious mix of Sweden and Singapore, Kikki K is one of the most inspiring stationery brands there are. From gratitude journals to Pause notebooks, they make purposefully created planners, diaries, boxes of letters to yourself and to-do lists which do just the opposite of stress you out with their pastel colours. 

You can buy it online here

Nappa Dori 


Photo Source: Nappa Dori/ Facebook

Love leather, great design, and the feeling that you’re off to a rough adventure? We love fellow Indian brand, Nappa Dori for just that. Pick one of their ikat planners, DIY belt kits or tassel bookmarks, and get set writing.

Shop them online here



Photo Source: Ban.Do/ Facebook

Our heart is completely set on Ban.Do, LA-based brand with the stationery as bright as sunshine. Hit them up for compliment postcards, lilac purple notebooks and shiny stickers to make your day.

Buy them here

Alicia Souza 

Photo Source: Alicia Souza/ Facebook

Alicia Souza is an illustrator and maker of cute things such as miss me-photo frames, pun cards and colouring calendars. You will love her stuff if you love dogs, cats, hamsters and a sprinkle of optimism with your morning cuppa tea. 

Buy it online here

BTW : Fizzy Goblet has also collaborated with Alicia Souza to make these pair of colour-in shoes (just take a marker and colour inside/ outside the lines.) 

Ohh Deer:

Photo Source: Bhavika Govil

Ohh Deer accumulates and sells the sweetest, sassiest stationery in all of good London (and around). Illustrator Gemma Correll’s work, Youtuber Arden Rose’s collection and so many other good things - we want it all. 

Plus, they deliver worldwide! 

Take a look at them here

Artchetype Studios 

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

Is organising your first, middle or last name (arranged in alphabetical order, of course)? You’ve got to get yourself one of Artchetype Studio’s yearly planners. Armed with a spiral band to hold your overflowing social plans, this is a must-get. We did! 

Check it out here. 

Bhavika Govil is a writer made up of equal parts popcorn and puns.
Read more of her work here and see her illustrations here